

Let’s talk #goitrogens. Another perfect example of when eating #healthy could actually be affecting your #health .
Goitrogens are foods and chemicals which can inhibit the function of the thyroid gland. 🦋 The thyroid gland is an important organ that, put simply, is in charge of our metabolism. This is done through the hormones Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4), which require a number of important nutrients for production, including iodine. Goitrogens hinder the ability to absorb iodine, affecting thyroid hormone production. .
Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, kale, broccoli, cabbage: I’m sure you have all heard about how great these foods are for you. And they are! Cruciferous vegetables are incredible: they aid the liver in detoxification, they are full of antioxidants, regulate bowel movements and hormones and decrease inflammation. They also unfortunately are goitrogenic foods. 🥦 ⁉️ .

So what does this mean? If you are suffering from thyroid conditions such as #hypothryoidism, it may be a good idea to look at your daily intake of these foods. Be proactive: soaking, washing, boiling, fermenting, and cooking can help in reducing the goitrogenic potency as well. In addition, your daily diet should include thyroid boosting foods rich in iodine, protein, selenium, zinc, copper, iron, and B vitamins. .
If you have questions about your thyroid, symptoms such as #fatigue#weight gain, temperature changes, #constipation, hair loss, dry skin, muscle aches, or any changes to your normal, talk to your health care provider and naturopathic doctor to learn more. An underactive thyroid is just one potential cause of these symptoms; it is always important to do a thorough assessment to determine the root of the problem. 🌳 .