The #1 Snack I Recommend...
Health Topics · 05. February 2025
The snack I recommend to ALL of my patients

Sea Moss
Health Topics · 28. February 2023
My summary on sea moss, including sourcing and dose

Socks, and your Immune System
Health Topics · 24. November 2022
Hydrotherapy can be an integral part of your treatment plan, used to stimulate the immune system and treat sinus congestion, headaches, sore throats, and help to break fevers

Pumpkin Soup
Recipes · 14. November 2022
Try out this seasonal and delicious soup. The chicken/turkey bacon or sausage option is anti-inflammatory in comparison to the typical bacon/sausage sourced from pork. Carrots, squash, and pumpkin are ORANGE. This means that they are FULL of vitamin A! Vitamin A is an important vitamin for skin health (and so much more, as always!) It supports the immune system, meaning it helps to speed up healing. It prevents breakouts and promotes natural moisturizing and hydration.

Seasonal Allergies and Fertility
Health Topics · 13. June 2022
How do your seasonal allergies impact your fertility?

Treating Nausea, Vomiting, and Migraines in Pregnancy
Health Topics · 01. June 2022
An option for those suffering from nausea, vomiting, and migraines in early pregnancy

Health Topics · 15. April 2020
As much as you can, focus on nourishment during stressful times.

Health Topics · 07. April 2020
It is important to acknowledge that the feelings you have are real, to validate them, and – most important- to try to lessen the intensity of them.

Health Topics · 15. March 2020
Photo by Henrique Félix on Unsplash Corona Virus - take back your control

Health Topics · 24. February 2020
The role of naturopathic medicine in your fertility journey

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